Monday, 17 October 2016

Ontario Tiger Beetles

Ghost Tiger Beetle (Cicindela lepida)
Photo: Canadian Biodiversity Information Facility

The Norfolk Sandplain, my home turf, hosts 10 of Ontario's 14 tiger beetle (family Cicindelidae) species. Any outing during the warm months means an encounter with at least a few of these fascinating and beautiful beetles; whether it's a concentrated search for one of the province's rarest species, the Ghost Tiger Beetle (Cicindela lepida), or a pleasant afternoon on the Lake Erie shore swimming and watching Beach (Cicindela hirticollis) and Bronzed (Cicindela repanda) Tiger Beetles stalking the sand, Cicindelids will be there. To help me keep my tiger beetles straight, I've put together a simple field guide that will aid in the identification of all Ontario species. The pictures come from the Canadian Biodiversity Information Facility.